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A Proudly Canadian Corporation  Serving the pulp, paper, and board industry for three generations     

Dewater pulp samples to repeatable consistency to greatly simplify sample prep.

A Brief History

Pulmac Inc was incorporated in 2003 and, in 2012, became a founding shareholder in Pulmac Systems International Inc of Williston, Vermont. Pulmac Inc was responsible for all manufacturing and service until it formally broke with Pulmac Systems in May, 2015. Changing its name to QS Fibre Inc in 2016, the Montreal-based company  offers the  AutoScan for on or off-line determination of fibre, shive, and fines size distributions as well as competitive products and services for :

  • Pulmac MasterScreen, Z-Span Tester, Automated Sheet Former, Beater, and Dewatering Device.
  • Provisioning of testing services, in-mill service support, and mill studies

QS Fibre is owned and  operated by Brent Cowan, son of Wavell Cowan and grandson of inventor, industrialist and Pulmac patriarch, Eli Cowan.

W. Brent Cowan, CD MSc


QS Fibre : Committed to integrity

Atholville NB Pulp MillAtholville NB Pulp Mill





QS Fibre Dewatering UnitQS Fibre Dewatering UnitThe QS Fibre Dewatering Unit is a compact counter-top device designed to dewater a  pulp sample to approximately 40% solids in three minutes. Using air pressure ( 3.5 bar)  and a sealing puck, this instrument  effectively squeezes excess water from the sample that was placed in the tube. 

Once the first sample dewatered, consistency is determined  and subsequent dewatered pulp samples can be weighed directly  without re-measuring consistemcy, thereby saving time and reducing sources of error.



Electricity : 110-240 VAC 50-60 HZ 

Air : 3.5 bar minimum of filtered, dry air

Drain : Sink







 The Reel: Improve runabilityThe Reel: Improve runability