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A Proudly Canadian Corporation  Serving the pulp, paper, and board industry for three generations     

QualScan: A convenient way to determine size parameters of shives, stickies, and other pulp contaminents.

A Brief History

Pulmac Inc was incorporated in 2003 and, in 2012, became a founding shareholder in Pulmac Systems International Inc of Williston, Vermont. Pulmac Inc was responsible for all manufacturing and service until it formally broke with Pulmac Systems in May, 2015. Changing its name to QS Fibre Inc in 2016, the Montreal-based company  offers the  AutoScan for on or off-line determination of fibre, shive, and fines size distributions as well as competitive products and services for :

  • Pulmac MasterScreen, Z-Span Tester, Automated Sheet Former, Beater, and Dewatering Device.
  • Provisioning of testing services, in-mill service support, and mill studies

QS Fibre is owned and  operated by Brent Cowan, son of Wavell Cowan and grandson of inventor, industrialist and Pulmac patriarch, Eli Cowan.

W. Brent Cowan, CD MSc


QS Fibre : Committed to integrity

Atholville NB Pulp MillAtholville NB Pulp Mill


The QualScan is a complete hardware/software package enabling advanced Image Analysis capability. The QualScan Imager software module is a proprietary QS Fibre application designed to operate with a 64-bit Windows 7 platform. It is compatible with any Windows 7-based scanner. Integral to QualScan software application is the proprietary Viewer module, which provides a powerful data display and manipulation tool. QualScan can be used on its own or in conjunction with the QS FibreScreen. Its features are password protected by USB Security Key(Dongle) and can be activated as needed. Its area of interest is a 190 mm dia circle (FibreScreen Rejects Collection Unit filter paper) bounded by the scanner's reference corner.


 Limited function QualScan freeware is available for download. Contact QS Fibre for details. 

QualScan Operator Interface ScreenQualScan Operator Interface ScreenScanning procedure 

-Place Filter Paper into Document Pouch and place a Transparency Sheet on top. Then close
Document Pouch.
- Pass the Document Pouch through the Heated Press 
- Open Document Pouch. If scanning for dirt, place the Transparency Sheet and Filter Paper
directly onto scanner bed in reference corner
 - Close the Scanner Lid       - Click on green Start light